All CBPHP research and evaluations are designed in the form of Participatory Action Research to encourage and support maximum contributions of individuals and group who are targeted for disease prevention, health promotion and community building. The approach is intended to empower marginalized groups (especially inner city poor, racial minorities and persons with disabilities) to participate and enrich the process of knowledge creation and uses for healthy community building. Practical means towards this end include:

  • CBPHP research and evaluation activities involve technical supports and guidance for individuals, families and neighborhood groups to promote community-based comprehensive models of health promotion and disease prevention that are infused with local knowledge, needs and contributions.
  • CBPHP staff relationship building with families, service providers and inner city groups including children and youth with disabilities for mutual learning and contributions to knowledge creation and use to refine and enhance supports for inclusive, healthy communities.

A range of documents, research tools and reports are provided as links in the website. This in in acknowledgement of contributions of individuals and groups to CBPHP research and evaluation endeavors, shared ownership of outcomes, their prospective uses and refinements. They include:


  • 1. Quality of Managed Health Care Through the Eyes and Voices of Minority Families (QMC)
  • a. QMC: Arabic 10 pp.
  • b. QMC: English 10 pp.
  • c. QMC: Spanish 10 pp.
  • 2. Children's Choice of Michigan Member Satisfaction Survey Instrument.


  • 1. Interview Guide: Quality of Managed Health Care Through the Eyes and Minority Families. Document No. 1. 15 pp.
  • 2. Evaluation Guide for Consumer Review and Workplace Resources Project 45 pp.
  • 3. Interview Guide for Third and Final Year Evaluation of Neighborhood Based Personal Supports Program, Document No. 2 1998.
  • 4. Third and Final Year Evaluation: Characteristics of Neighborhood Based Personal Supports Program, Document No. 1 1998.