Brief History: CBPHP is a tangible outcome of inclusive community building initiatives covering a period of nearly two decades. Beginning in 1993 a group of individuals from a number of community association, institutions, faculty and students from Wayne State University (WSU) linked their diverse talents, interest and experiences within a framework of Inclusive Community Building to address problems and issues that impact on marginalized groups - race/ethnicity, gender, age, inner city, poor and their intersections with disabilities. CBPHP emerged as a separate entity in 2008, nearly a decade ago with focus on health in its multiple dimensions - physical, mental, spiritual and social - and in the context of inclusive communities as framework to mediate inner-city problems that emerge from processes of exclusion, marginalization and inequality.

The core CBPHP staff has been working together as a team since 2000. Our attention to children and youth has paid off in terms of their increasing skills and experiences to transition into staff roles and in one instance, services as a member of CBPHP Board of Directors.

The broad aim of CBPHP is inclusive knowledge creation, ownership and uses to build and sustain healthy communities.


  • Research
  • Program Evaluation
  • Proposal Development
  • Supports for Employment and Independent Living
  • Community of Learners.